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In Buddhism, the teachings discuss cause and effect (karmic causality) and also address conditions and circumstances.

  • Cause (因): The primary cause or direct reason.
  • Condition (縁): Minor or distant causes from the past, such as indirect factors or environments that influence the outcome.

Buddhism explains cause and conditions (differences) and, as its ultimate principle, teaches "emptiness" (equality). To understand emptiness (equality), the experience of "enlightenment" is essential, though it seems that this cannot be achieved through books alone. Ordinary people can only catch a glimpse of the great enlightenment of the Buddha and the ancestors through auspicious opportunities.

Stories from Buddhism

September 10, 2024

Prince Nanda

Nanda was originally a prince of the Shakya clan and also the half-brother of Buddha (Shakyamuni), which made his birth rather…
September 11, 2024

Nirvana Sutra (涅槃経)

Buddha: "Samsara (輪廻)has been continuing since a time so ancient that it has no beginning. People are covered by ignorance, bound by…
September 15, 2024

Buddha (お釈迦様)

In ancient India, even before the birth of Buddhism, there were already concepts of cause and effect, retribution, and reincarnation, and…
September 15, 2024

Priests of India

A long time ago, there was a king in India with a very violent temperament. One day, this king went out hunting and was chasing a deer, but…