The Tang Dynasty was the golden age of Chinese Buddhism, and many highly virtuous and enlightened individuals emerged during this period. Great masters such as Zen Master Mazu, Venerable Zhaozhou, Zen Master Deshan, and Zen Master Linji, among others,
successively upheld the ancestral light, ensuring that the essence of the Dharma was faithfully passed down to the next generation.
Here is a typical Zen exchange: The great Zen Master Mazu was asked a question by the monk Fuchang (Hōjō in Japanese), who was training under him.
Fuchang asked, "What is Buddha?" Mazu replied, "Mind itself is Buddha!" Upon hearing this, Fuchang instantly attained great enlightenment.
Later, Fuchang resided at Mount Damo, and thus he became known as Zen Master Damo Fuchang.
It seems that when a great master meets a sharp and diligent monk, the transmission of great enlightenment is completed in a single question-and-answer exchange.